Brick Break

Monday May 18th, 2020

Today I worked on finishing up the Fail to Win project and got it submitted. I finished the game-play loop and added in the menus and credits. 

Next I will be moving on to Project 2 once the theme is announced tomorrow in class.

The only roadblock that I can foresee is that I am currently working two jobs to make sure we can pay bills. So I have considerably less time than I thought I would have when signing up for this class. I may need to set up check ins with Hue if I start to struggle.

Tuesday May 19th, 2020

Today I went to class and found out the theme of this weeks game assignment. This weeks theme is simple 2D geometric shapes must make up all the game art. I spent the day trying to brainstorm what type of game that I want to do. I think I might make a 2D platformer in construct.

Next I am going to be working on coming up with the game design and preproduction. I will be doing this tomorrow. I will also start on the game tomorrow.

I have no road blocks currently.

Wednesday May 20th, 2020

Today I started the project by creating the project itself and getting saved to drive. I also made some art assets for the game in Photoshop. I need to finish planning out the finer details of how I want the game to work on the programming side but other wise am ready to begin creating the project. I am going to be working on it more tonight.

Next, I am going to add in the player sprite and give it movement controls, the player will move forward without input from the player. The player will need to tell the game when to move left or right on the screen to avoid obstacles. I am also going to draw out my level map before I get into engine to set it up.

My largest road block is the time I have available to work on assignments. I am working two jobs now so I feel like I am more pressed for time. I don't have as much time as I had before. I also need to find a way past how tired I feel by the time 8pm rolls around so I can stay up later and get my work done.

Thursday May 21st, 2020

Today I created the entire game in one sitting. Since I was using Construct 3 and I was making a very simple game it was pretty quick to get it completed. I created the player controls my making a sprite for the paddle follow the mouse position of the player. I then added the ball, and gave it a bullet behavior, making sure to check off allowing bouncing off solid objects. Then I created the block field and added the logic that would turn them off when the ball collided with it. 

Next, if I have time, I want to polish the game up. I would love to add some sound effects, music and fix the win/lose condition as it isn't working exactly like I would like. 

No roadblocks.


Brick Break Play in browser
May 21, 2020

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